Friday, February 8, 2008

Romney Out

I found this article in Austin American Statesman. It stated that with Romney out it is certain that the next presidency will put focus on climate change. It is believed any one of the remaining candidates will put some sort of cap on greenhouse gas emissions. Prior to Romney bowing out of the race he made accusations toward McCain stating that he plans to tax Americans per gallon for fuel while china and India do nothing. These statements actually carried little merit. McCain has yet to put any concrete figures on a proposed tax, and China and India are ahead of the United States in their efforts to stop global warming. To me this seemed like a last ditch effort to stay in the race in which he has so much of his own money tied up in. It seems a little insulting for him to think by playing to our pocketbooks over our global concerns he would gain some ground. In my opinion no matter what side of the fence your on, the bowing out of Romney was a good thing. Regardless of your stance on global warming I think it can only benefit us as a world to have someone in the oval office that has some concern over the issue. With issues such as these there is no room for guessing. As ridiculous as it may sound I’m of the opinion “better safe than sorry.”

For More Info. See:

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